About Us | Our Vision | The History

About Us...

Since 1958, The Mailbox Club has found innovative and effective ways to minister primarily to the spiritual needs of children around the world. We use "through-the-mail" Bible lessons, stories, and games as a tool for spiritual teaching and encouragement.

We believe we are living during a very exciting time. We are overwhelmed to see how God is using our correspondence tools with individuals, churches, children's ministries and with missionaries around the world. Last year, we, along with our global partners distributed over 18 million Mailbox Club lessons in over 100 countries. To date, The Mailbox Club lessons have been translated into over 100 languages and the list is growing. We feel very blessed.

This site is built to be a tool for you to discover more about who we are and how you can get involved with the ministry. You might be a parent that wants your child to become more involved with the Bible and discover how God wants to be a part of their life. Or, you may be a church member, a friend, or a neighborhood mom and/or dad who desires to share the exciting news of Christ with the little lives around you. Or you might even be on staff with a ministry looking for "follow-up" tools to help in the discipleship process in a child's life. We want to partner with you as well and encourage your evangelistic efforts. Or maybe you can get involved with us as a donor. Our prayer and financial partners provide the resources we need to make such a dynamic ministry happen. Please click here and join us if you feel God is leading you to this level of support.

Our Vision...

Our Vision is exciting as well as a wonderful challenge. We want to reproduce thousands of "mailbox clubs" around the world-primarily by distributing our Bible lessons through key ministry partners who share our calling to evangelize and disciple the children of the world for Christ.

Our Mission statement keeps us focused and determined. We see it as our mission to win the children and young people of the world to Christ and help nurture them into spiritual maturity through Bible correspondence courses and into local churches.

Our Philosophy keeps us aligned. Since the ministry dates back to 1958, these many years have provided a number of keen insights on the best ways to manage and lead our team and ministry efforts. Our Philosophy of Ministry follows.

We believe that:

  • Children and young people are the most fruitful harvest fields.
  • Follow-up is essential to producing fruit that remains.
  • Excellence in our calling takes priority over big numbers.
  • The Body of Christ must lay aside denominational differences and work together toward the common goal of reaching every child with the Gospel.
  • The lay community can be mobilized to set up and operate "mailbox clubs."
  • Nationals are essential to implementing in-country ministries.
  • Training of workers is key to a successful follow-up program with children.

The History...

The story of how The Mailbox Club began is an exciting testimony to what can be accomplished with young lives in our local communities. It's a story that speaks to each one of us that believes you change the world by changing the lives of our young people.

In 1958, George and Laura Eager became burdened to reach children for Christ. They began a ministry of presenting the Good News of Jesus Christ in the rural schools of Georgia, Florida, and Alabama. This outreach continued for 38 years, during which time over 1,365,000 children and teenagers were reached through their assembly programs.

As a result of their contact with many thousands of children and young people in the rural areas, the Eagers soon realized that many of those who had accepted Christ through their school ministry had little or no opportunity for continued spiritual growth. The Mailbox Club was born out of this need for "follow-up" materials. The Mailbox Club is a Bible correspondence club. Bible lessons are sent to the student through the mail. The student reads the lesson, fills out the question page and mails it back. The question page is graded and returned with the next lesson.

Eventually George and his staff wrote not only children's courses, but also correspondence courses for teens and adults. One of the strengths of The Mailbox Club lessons is that they are always "field tested" by our own office as we actively use them with thousands of students around the country. Today we have 21 courses for people of all ages, beginning at age four through senior citizens!

We view our God-given role of producing Christ-centered Bible correspondence lessons as unique in world evangelism. Our aim is to be pleasing to the Lord, pursuing excellence in developing a complete curriculum of lessons.

Today, The Mailbox Club ministry literally spans the world. Over eighteen million Mailbox Club lessons were printed and distributed in 2005. These lessons are going into over 100 countries worldwide. We thank God for the privilege of serving Him!

Copyright© 2008 - The Mailbox Club of Canada