Lesson 1 - What is God like? (part 1)
Part 1 introducing God's attributes as Almighty, Spirit, Glorious, Holy, and Love.
Lesson 2 - What is God like? (part 2)
Part 2 of God's attributes - God is Triune, Everywhere, All-wise, Good, Righteous, Faithful, Unchanging, Present Application of love, belief, and worship.
Lesson 3 - Where did we Come From?
God revealed as Creator. People created special in His image can know God with ability to receive Him.
Lesson 4 - Who is our Enemy?
Introduction of Satan, sin, and deception.
Lesson 5 - Who is the Promised Savior?
Concept of sin sacrifices introduced. Jesus is revealed as the One sacrificed for sin.
Lesson 6 - Did Jesus Really Rise from the Dead?
Proof of Christ's power and authority is seen in the resurrection along with His promised return.
Lesson 7 - Four Questions
What is sin? Why do we sin? What does sin do? Who can save from sin?
Lesson 8 - How can I become a Child of God?
Five simple steps of salvation explained.
Lesson 9 - Jesus is Coming Again
Question of death of believers answered. Events taking place at the 2nd Coming, judgment, with application of readiness.
Lesson 10 - Four Things God Wants Me to Know
Assurance of Salvation, Overcoming temptation, Forgiveness of sin, God answers prayer.
Lesson 11 - I am a New Person
When Christ rose from the grave, I "rose" with Him as a new person in Christ. I have a new life! God created me as a new person in Christ. I still have the same body, but I am a new person inside.
Lesson 12 - Jesus is My King Forever!
The King is coming! He may come at any time. My goal is to please Him in all I say and do. Some things that please the Lord Jesus are: loving Him with all my heart, making Jesus King in my heart, and letting the Lord Jesus live His life in me! |
Lesson 1 - Jesus Christ is God
God wants us to know who Jesus is and what He has done for us.
Lesson 2 - Jesus Christ is “Lord of All”!
The most precious story in all the world is the story of how God's Son loved us so much that He left His home in Heaven and came into the world to be our Savior.
Lesson 3 - God is For Me!
Now that I have taken the Lord Jesus as my Savior, God is my heavenly Father, and I am His beloved child. God wants me to love Him and enjoy Him.
Lesson 4 - I am in the Family of God
Jesus said you must be "born again". This lesson teaches about God's "first man - Adam" and God's "second man - Jesus Christ" and what it means to be "born again".
Lesson 5 - I am In Christ
God has a wonderful plan for all of us who have taken the Lord Jesus as our Savior. It is so wonderful that we could never imagine anything like it.
Lesson 6 - Christ Lives in Me!
God has done so many wonderful things for me. He forgave me of all my sins. He took me out of Adam's sinful family and put me in Christ's family. He has made me a new person in Christ, He has made me His child, and He loves me as He loves and accepts His own Son.
Lesson 7 - My Enemy “the World”
A Christian is a person who has taken the Lord Jesus as their Savior and is on the narrow road that leads to Heaven. This is wonderful, but the road to Heaven will not be easy. We have three terrible enemies - "the world", the flesh, and the devil. This lesson considers the enemy called "the world".
Lesson 8 - My Enemy, Self
As a Christian, I have an enemy within me called "the flesh". This lesson helps with an understanding of how I can choose Christ to be on the throne of my heart
Lesson 9 - My Enemy, Satan
The reason why the Christian life is a warfare is that we have a terrible enemy who seeks to destroy us. That enemy is Satan.
Lesson 10 - God Wants to Use Me!
God will use any believer who is willing to be used and will to prepare himself.
Lesson 11 - You can be a Soul-Winner
One of the greatest joys we can have as Christians is the joy of leading someone to Christ. Think of it! You and I can be God's instruments in the salvation of our friends and relatives and others.
Lesson 12 - Jesus loves Me!
The Lord Jesus Christ is the most wonderful Person in all of God's universe! He is seated at the Father's right hand, and all of God's glory rests on Him. He is on the throne of God's universe. |