Storytime Series
(For ages 7 and 8)

Storytime 1

Pricing and Order Info

Lesson 1 - The Lost Kitten
Jesus, the Good Shepherd reveals God's love for the lost.
Lesson 2 - Scrappy Shows the Way
Jesus reveals His loving presence with us at all times.
Lesson 3 - The Special Tree
Jesus dies on the cross for our sins and the importance of asking for forgiveness.
Lesson 4 - The New Boy
Parable of the seeds of the word received into receptive hearts.
Lesson 5 - The Best Gift
Importance of obedience as seen in the story of King Saul and Samuel.
Lesson 6 - The Blue Truck
Parable of the wicked sevant unwilling to forgive another of a lessor offense.
Lesson 7 - Randy and Debbie Go Fishing
Importance of sharing the Gospel with others with "how to" suggestions.

Storytime 2

Pricing and Order Info
Lesson 1 - The Exciting Letter
Summary of God's salvation received in five simple steps.
Lesson 2 - The Grumble Day
1st step in recognition of personal sin.
Lesson 3 - The Biggest Apple
2nd step is realization of God's personal love.
Lesson 4 - The Little Lie that Grew
3rd step is knowing that Jesus died for personal sin.
Lesson 5 - Mr. Meany
4th step is receiving Jesus as personal Savior.
Lesson 6 - Rain, Rain Go Away
5th step is believing God's promise of eternal life.
Lesson 7 - I'm First
Sharing faith by using the hand and the five step explanation of the Gospel.

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